Feeling Nervous?
This is completely normal; in fact It would be very unusual if you weren’t.
After all this is a big deal! You may be feeling nervous for a multitude of reasons; maybe you don’t think your photogenic, or your worried about feeling silly posing or maybe your worried about getting half naked on Camera.
Whatever your reason I’m here for you. Below are my Top Ten Tips to help you combat your nerves
Boudoir Does NOT mean Lingerie
Just because the majority of Boudoir pictures are women in beautiful Lingerie does not mean you have to!
Start your shoot in your Favorite dress, coziest Jumper, beautiful dressing gown. You will look your most beautiful if you are relaxed and comfortable.
This is especially important if you are feeling nervous do NOT jump straight in the deep end with a skimpy outfit, if you manage to build up to that, then great but if you don’t want to then you absolutely do NOT have to!
Wear your version of Sexy!
In regards to your outfit choices, Make Sure you to bring YOUR version of sexy not anyone else’s.
I only want you to bring outfits YOU feel great in; I don’t care what that is.
I have two recent examples to share. Ms. L came out in this gorgeous Lingerie set, we starting shooting but i could just tell something was off. I ending up stopping the shoot and we just talked for a bit; turns out she couldn’t relax because as beautiful as her new lingerie was her arms were exposed (a trigger point for this particular Lady) So we added a chiffon shawl and that instantly cleared up the issue. She brought the Lingerie especially for the shoot because she thought it was super pretty but the truth was it highlighted one of her insecure areas so it just didn’t make her feel good! Likewise with Miss.S she brought along Stockings (because she was ‘Suppose’ too) but she hated wearing them because they felt tight and uncomfortable, because of this it made her really conscious of her thighs. There was nothing wrong with her thighs of course but it didn’t matter, she felt uncomfortable so I asked her to take them off immediately.
So the bottom line is; i don’t care if its super pretty, or it was a gift or your partner loves it if it doesn’t make you feel good I don’t want to see on set! Just don’t do it to yourself. Please!
Props work as a perfect distraction!
I love to incorporate props in my shoots, they add a ton of personality but they also work as a perfect distraction. If your reading your favorite book or getting lost in playing an instrument you are not going to be focussing on what i’m doing with the camera.
Make a Hype Playlist
Everyone has that song that just hits them different. It’s your song and it just gets you pumped! I have a fantastic shoot playlist mainly full of 90’s RnB classics with a sprinkling of cheese (Girls just wanna have fun may or may not make an appearance) But if you have a playlist that works for you then bring it along and we can connect it to the Bluetooth speaker so you can dance your nerves away!
No Negative Talk
The day of your shoot is a Negative free zone. I don’t want to hear any self doubt or body criticism at all, actually its banned! I want you to practice some self love leading up to your shoot. Practicing saying positive affirmation statements, even if you don’t feel it yet. How would you like to feel? Try these to get you started- I am Beautiful, I am in love with my Body, I am Powerful, I am Confident. Saying these positive affirmations to yourself really helps i promise!
Pamper Yourself
This may seem obvious but looking good makes you feel good! So Pamper yourself before your shoot. Get your nails done, do a hair and face mask the night before, buy yourself that expensive moisturizer and treat your skin. In fact if budget is tight, i would rather you spent some money on making yourself feel good than on a new lingerie set. The makeover on the day on the shoot always get that confidence soaring but do practice a little self love the week leading up
Be on time
Get to your shoot at least 15 minutes early so you relax. It’s not going to help your nerves if you’ve had a manic morning morning, running late and have to jump straight into your shoot without stopping to relax. So arrive a little early have a drink and catch up with me first to calm those last minute nerves before we get started.
Posing is your distraction!
Your not going to believe me now, but trust me when i say 'You’ll be too busy to be nervous’ Posing is surprisingly hard work and you will be too busy holding that pose and figuring out what to be doing with your facial expressions to think about those nerves. It’s not nearly as nerve wrecking or awkward as you might think and most people settle into the shoot after about 10 minutes.
Remember there is no pressure!
There is never any pressure! I want to push you out of your comfort zone slightly but just enough for you to feel proud not terrified. This obviously means different things to different people and will be treated as such. You will be in control of your experience and in expert hands so you can relax
Don't Forget
I am here for you! If you feeling nervous or unsure then you can pick up the phone or drop me a text and we talk it through.